Thursday, November 24, 2011

Collection Drive

Dear All,

As most of you know, a few days ago fire swept through the premises where an all-India Sammelan of hijras was taking place in Nand Nagri, East Delhi. 15 people died and more than 30 are critically injured; they are in various hospitals across East Delhi, and in dire need of help.

The need at the moment is for warm clothing, blankets and food items, rather than monetary donations, so we are setting up a collection
drive on Friday, Nov 25th, at the performance event being held at Max Mueller Bhawan.

Please bring whatever items of:
- warm clothing,
- sheets and blankets
- food that will survive handling (eg: don't bring cooked food!)

But if you want to donate money, you are welcome to. We will use the donation amount to buy fruits and fresh food items on Saturday morning, before taking the entire collection of donated materials to the hospitals. 

Nigah Team

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About Nigah

Nigah is a non-funded queer collective that works on issues of gender and sexuality. Apart from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, we understand queer to be any identity, politics or process that challenges dominant norms. Based in Delhi since 2003, we try to create inclusive and safe queer spaces using media, workshops and discussions. We organise events each month and entry to all the events is free.

The Nigah Queerfest: (annual event)